Hello everyone, as you can see by the title of this post, it is most certain not beauty related. But nevertheless I wanted to share my thoughts with you, as you may go through the same thing and I find that sometimes it is easier to speak openly to strangers than to your own friends.
It seems that nowadays everyone is to busy to look around and see if close ones need help or are suffering. Sometimes it is easier for people just not to ask the question that listen to the answer, no one has time to hear other people suffering or problems. What happened with the true meaning of friendship?? It seems that people don't remember the values of friendship anymore, no one calls or texts anymore, instead a "like" on Facebook or a "poke" will do the same job.
It is not easy to live in this world anymore, where people are always in a hurry to get somewhere, where people are fighting, and killing, there is no time to appreciate the real meaning of life.
I am not here to judge anyone, each lives as they please to, but I just had to put out there all my thoughts, even though they probably not make sense at all.
Another problem that people try to avoid is Anxiety, they are so many people that live out there with anxiety and no one dares to ask why or how to help. And yet again, it is easier to just not talk about it, that having to do something about it.
I know how it is because I suffer from the same problem. I tried to ignore the fact that I suffered from Anxiety but it didn't really solve any problem, it is better just to face the problem and deal with it.
The struggle that it is every day of going out, going to a shopping centre full of people, getting the bus, going somewhere unknown or just meeting new people.
Everyday is a battle against the world, I think that the biggest problem is that people don't try to understand why you act the way you do, or why you try to avoid certain places.
Some say that you can just take pills and that the anxiety will go away, or people think that it will go away at some point, they don't understand how much it can affect someone's life.
My biggest problem is to meet new people, it is a big struggle and it makes me very anxious, but it is difficult to explain to people around you, some people think you are rude, some people think that you can be boring, but no one stops to think that it may be another reason.
I just want people to ask about it and help instead of judge, it would make life so much easier.
Anyway, I manage every day, and even if I fall I will get up again and again, I am quite lucky that I have people around me that support me and that understand me, but what about the people that don't understand but that I still care about?? should I just do the easy thing and just ignore?? no , that is not the way it should be to anyone, no one should be able to judge or ignore. lets just face the facts and deal with it.
Well, that is all I wanted to say, tell me your story, do you suffer from the same ? do you struggle on a daily basis?
If so, I hope you find a way that will make you happier!!!
Take care
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